Niveau débutants

de Peter Griffith


Quelle nuit terrifiante pour une petite fille perdue dans une forêt aux apparences trompeuses. Josie trouve une étrange maison et frappe à la porte. Quelles créatures horribles vivent ici ? Que va-t-il se passer si elle s'endort ? Sortira-t-elle de cette maison vivante ? Cette histoire d'horreur extrêmement dvertissante est écrite dans un anglais très simple.


Photos de 'Fear in the Forest'


de Peter Griffith


Un homme vole le sac à main d’une vieille dame et deux adolescents en sont témoins. Ils suivent le voleur... et se trouvent pris dans une course poursuite dans les rues de Londres. Ils passent devant Big Ben, sur Tower Bridge, contournent Buckingham Palace et se retrouvent au musée de Madame Tussaud. Vont-ils attraper le voleur ?


Photos de 'Honesty'

Saison 19/20

Ältere Inszenierungen


Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Honesty'

Tim:  Hey, you there, stop!
Annie:  Somebody stop him! He´s a thief!
Tim:  Where is he going?
Annie:  Down to the left there - he´s going towards the station.
Tim:   Quick -  head him off!
 Annie:   Grab him!
 Tim:  Somebody stop that man!
Annie:   Stop that thief!
Tim:   Catch him!
Annie:   Stop that man!
Tim:   Where is he?
Annie:   He´s over there!
Tim:   He´s in the station!
Annie:   He´s running down the platform!
Tim:   He´s getting on the train. He´s getting away!

by Peter Griffith

Four tale-tellers sit on a bench and show us why the Irish are famous for their amazing stories!

Conal tells of a queen who wants to eat her own daughter, and a prince who has two wives…

Niamh tells of a huge giant who makes a hole in a mountain, and an even bigger giant who dresses up as a baby…

Dermot tells of a sack that can talk… and a magic cow-skin that makes money if you hit it with a stick…

And Sinead helps the audience to decide which story is best!

Photos of 'Irish Magic'

Extract from the script 'Irish Magic'

Narrator: Hudden and Dudden are rich farmers. They have lots of land, and lots of cows, and lots of money.
Dudden: We are the richest farmers in Ireland.
Hudden: But we are not happy, are we Dudden?
Dudden: No, we are not happy, are we Hudden?
Hudden: Because we could be even richer.
Dudden: Yes, we could be even richer. Because between my farm...
Hudden: ... and my farm...
Dudden: ... there lives a nasty little man...
Hudden: ...a very nasty little poor man called…
Dudden: Donald O’Neary!
Hudden: Donald O’Neary has only one little field...
Dudden: ... and only one cow…
Hudden: ... and no money at all.
Dudden: But he is in our way!
Hudden: We want his land, don’t we Dudden?
Dudden: That’s right, we want his land – don’t we Hudden?
Hudden: And we are going to get his land, aren’t we Dudden?
Dudden: Yes, because we have got a plan.
Hudden: A plan! That’s right Dudden! We have a plan!