de Peter Griffith, based on the novel by Charles Dickens


Oliver Twist est né dans l’asile communal. Personne ne sait qui sont ses parents. Pendant ses neuf premières années, il ne rencontre que de la cruauté. Lorsque Oliver s’enfuit à Londres, sa situation empire. Il est recueilli par Fagin et on lui apprend à devenir pickpocket. Puis le violent collègue de Fagin, Bill Sikes, a besoin d’un petit garçon pour l’aider dans un cambriolage…


Le roman d’Oliver Twist raconte une histoire palpitante, et est en même temps une supplication passionnée pour une justice envers les pauvres, et pour des valeurs décentes et de l’humanité à tous les niveaux de la société.



Photos de 'Oliver Twist'

Saison 19/20



Extrait du texte de la pièce 'Oliver Twist'

Narration: The parish authorities issued three meals of thin gruel a day. Boys have generally excellent appetites. Oliver Twist and his companions suffered the tortures of slow starving. At last the boys got so wild with hunger, that a council was held; lots were cast who should walk up to the beadle after supper that evening, and ask for more; and it fell to Oliver Twist.
Oliver: Please sir, I want some more.
Mr. Bumble: What!
Oliver: Please sir, I want some more.
Mr. Bumble: I beg your pardon! Oliver Twist has asked for more! Of all the artful and designing orphans that I ever see, Oliver, you are the most barefacedest. I distinctly heard him ask for more, after he had eaten his supper! He did, sir! Of all the ungratefullest and worst-disposed boys as I ever see, you are the – This boy will be hung! I was never more convinced of anything in my life, than I am that this boy will come to be hung.